PLL302 EKSPLORASI SUMBERDAYA LAUT (2 SKS) Membahas mengenai metabolisme primer dan sekunder organisme biota perairan, bioaktif metabolit dari marine algae, fungi, bacteria, marine invertebrates, separation and isolation techniques, bioaktif biota perairan, biological, toxicological and clinical evaluation. REFERENSI: 1. Bhakuni, D.S. and Rawat, D.S. 2005. Bioactive Marine Natural Products. Anamaya Publishers. New Delhi. India 2. Manitto, P. 1981. Biosynthesis of Natural Products. Ellis Horwood Limited. England. 3. Lobban, C.S., Chapman, D.J., and Kremer, B.P. 1988. Experimental Phycology A Laboratory Manual. Cambridge University Press. United States of America. 4. Chen, F. And Jiang, Y. 2001. Algae and their Biotechnological Potential. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands. 5. Andersen, R.A. 2005. Algal Culturing Techniques. Elsevier Academic Press. Unites States of America. 6. Hardjito, L. 2000. Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Biotechnology (ISMB 2000). Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies. IPB. Bogor. 7. Kyle, D.J. and Ratledge, C. 1992. Industrial Applications of Single Cell Oils. American Oil Chemists’ Society. United States of America. 8. Platt, T. 1981. Physiological Bases of Phytoplankton Ecology. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Ottawa. Canada. 9. Isnansetyo, A. dan Kurniastuty. 1995. Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton. Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta. 10. Romimohatarto, K. dan Juwana, S. 2007. Biologi Laut. Penerbit Djambatan. Jakarta.
PLU301 CORALOGY (2 SKS) This course explains the sense of coral, a type of coral, coral habitat, types of aquatic organisms living or in symbiosis with the coral, coral damage, transplants and coral cultivation, as well as coral artificial Prerequisites: Aquatic Invertebrates, Marine Biology REFERENCES: 1. Allen, G.R. 2004. Tropical Coral Reef Fishes of Indonesia. Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. Singapore 2. Bengen, D.G. 2002. Pengenalan dan Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove. Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan. Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor. 3. Fiene-Severns, P., M. Severns and R. Dyerly. 2004. Tropical Seashells of Indonesia. Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. Singapore. 4. Hutabarat, S dan Evans. 1980. Pengantar Oceanografi. UI Press, Jakarta 5. Nybaken, W. 1988. Biologi Laut. Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis. PT. Gramedia, Jakarta. 6. Odum, E. 1998. Dasar-dasar Ekologi. Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. 7. Romimohtarto, K dan Sri Juwana. 2005. Biologi Laut. Ilmu Pengetahuan tentang Biota Laut. Djambatan. Jakarta.
PLT309 MARINE BIOTA INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY (2 SKS) This course examines the biology, ecology, and physiology of marine organisms, specific components of high economic value generated from each type of marine organisms, including secondary metabolites, the process of extraction and the use of the several components in the field of food and non-food. REFERENCES: 1. Bhakuni, D.S. and Rawat, D.S. 2005. Bioactive Marine Natural Products. Anamaya Publishers. New Delhi. India. 2. Manitto, P. 1981. Biosynthesis of Natural Products. Ellis Horwood Limited. England. 3. Lobban, C.S., Chapman, D.J., and Kremer, B.P. 1988. Experimental Phycology A Laboratory Manual. Cambridge University Press. United States of America. 4. Chen, F. And Jiang, Y. 2001. Algae and their Biotechnological Potential. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands. 5. Andersen, R.A. 2005. Algal Culturing Techniques. Elsevier Academic Press. Unites States of America. 6. Hardjito, L. 2000. Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Biotechnology (ISMB 2000). Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies. IPB. Bogor. 7. Kyle, D.J. and Ratledge, C. 1992. Industrial Applications of Single Cell Oils. American Oil Chemists’ Society. United States of America. 8. Platt, T. 1981. Physiological Bases of Phytoplankton Ecology. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Ottawa. Canada. 9. Isnansetyo, A. dan Kurniastuty. 1995. Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton. Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta. 10. Romimohatarto, K. dan Juwana, S. 2007. Biologi Laut. Penerbit Djambatan. Jakarta.
PLU303 FISH QUARANTINE (2 SKS) This course explains the basic concepts and history of fish quarantine, functions and duties of fish quarantine, laws and regulations of quarantine, the provisions of the SPS agreement, the types of fishery commodities transported, the types of pests and diseases of quarantine fish, supervision and monitoring of pests and diseases of quarantine fish, implementation of the IRA, fish quarantine role in the development of fisheries and the global market, the implementation of fish quarantine, working procedures and the implementation of fish quarantine. Prerequisites: Parasite and Fish Disease I, Parasite and Fish Disease II, Fish Disease Analysis I, and Fish Disease Analysis II. REFERENCES: 1. Pusat Karantina Ikan. 2003. Konsep Manual Analisis Resiko Impor Media Pembawa Hama dan Penyakit Ikan. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Jakarta. 2. OIE. 1994. International Aquatic Animal Health Code and Diagnostic Manual. OIE. 3. Karantina Ikan Juanda. 2002a . Tatalaksana Karantina Ikan Pada Stasiun Karantina Ikan Juanda – Surabaya. Karantina Ikan juanda. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. Surabaya. 4. Karantina Ikan Juanda. 2002b. Penyebar luasan informasi karantina ikan. Karantina Ikan Juanda – Surabaya. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. 5. Prayitno, S.B. 2002. Peranan Karantina Ikan Dalam Menyongsong Pasar Global. Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Undip. Semarang. 6. Hardjono. 2004. Karantina Ikan Dalam Perdagangan Global. Seminar Penyakit Ikan dan Udang IV. 18-19 Mei 2004. Purwokerto. 7. Pusat Karan tina Pertanian. 1998. Petunjuk pelaksanaan dan petunjuk teknis tindakan karantina terhadap media pembawa hama dan penyakit ikan karantina, parasit, mikotik dan bakteri. 8. Ling, K.H., Susan Ling Fung KUEH and Yew Kwang POH. 2007. Quarantine, Surveillance and Monitoring of Koi Herpesvirus in Singapore. Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore. Singapore. 9. Arthur, J.R. 2007. The role of quarantine in preventing the spread of serious pathogens of aquatic animals in Southeast Asia. Barriere, British Columbia. Canada.
PLL302 MARINE RESOURCES EXPLORATION (2 SKS) This course discusses the primary and secondary metabolism of aquatic biota organisms, bioactive metabolites from marine algae, fungi, bacteria, marine invertebrates, separation and isolation techniques, aquatic bioactive biota, biological, toxicological and clinical evaluation. REFERENCES: 1. Bhakuni, D.S. and Rawat, D.S. 2005. Bioactive Marine Natural Products. Anamaya Publishers. New Delhi. India 2. Manitto, P. 1981. Biosynthesis of Natural Products. Ellis Horwood Limited. England. 3. Lobban, C.S., Chapman, D.J., and Kremer, B.P. 1988. Experimental Phycology A Laboratory Manual. Cambridge University Press. United States of America. 4. Chen, F. And Jiang, Y. 2001. Algae and their Biotechnological Potential. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands. 5. Andersen, R.A. 2005. Algal Culturing Techniques. Elsevier Academic Press. Unites States of America. 6. Hardjito, L. 2000. Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Biotechnology (ISMB 2000). Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies. IPB. Bogor. 7. Kyle, D.J. and Ratledge, C. 1992. Industrial Applications of Single Cell Oils. American Oil Chemists’ Society. United States of America. 8. Platt, T. 1981. Physiological Bases of Phytoplankton Ecology. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Ottawa. Canada. 9. Isnansetyo, A. dan Kurniastuty. 1995. Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan Zooplankton. Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta. 10.  Romimohatarto, K. dan Juwana, S. 2007. Biologi Laut. Penerbit Djambatan. Jakarta.
